The number of MAGA patriots is very large but we are very unorganized - How do we start recall campaigns in each state where the Governor unilaterally changed Voting laws for mail in voting?
How do we get State legislatures to start impeachment trials against the Secretaries of State who unilaterally sent out mail in ballots?
State Legislatures oversee State voting and they never approved mass mail in voting.
If we could organize MAGA, we would be unstoppable
Is it time for us to start a grass roots organization in each state?
Though IF the machines are so far off from the ballot counts, then every single state legislature would have credible reason to demand the source code. Possibly imprison the top brass of the companies & at the very least remove those machines.
u/CK_Killinger I would start in your state. Go to Eagle Forums, Kiwanas & Rotary Clubs, etc... (any local groups that are involved with on the ground local politics & community growth). Discuss your findings & get involved with them. The goal with this is to get your grass roots to take hold faster. Possibly doing some flyer handouts at conventions & precinct meetings.
Encourage every person to call their local reps for the state house (state senate & house reps here in Utah).
If a rep is called by 20+ individuals about the same issue, it is no longer a "crazy lone extremist", rathe an undercurrent of individuals who are fed up & the situation is taken more seriously. This is only compounded if multiple state reps have a similar experience.
Do the legwork for those reps. Bring the laws violated, how those individuals that violated laws did it, and a demand that they be impeached & the local Attorney General take action or be impeached as well. As popularity for this idea grows, with the work to show citizen concerns already laid out, it makes your local reps job much easier to push for the desired outcome.
These reps have thousands of ideas tossed at them, and so often those wanting change do nothing to help decrease the time demand/bandwidth of their rep. Unfortunately there aren't enough hours in a day for the rep to do this on their own & if these ideas ever make it to a committee, or house floor, they are shot down immediately due to lack of legwork & local understanding of root issues.
There will be a learning curve & developing a good relationship with your local reps, then doing the legwork, will be incredibly beneficial for this idea.