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Why I’m Worried About The Rise Of Liberal Young Women


...Now 46% of white Gen Z women identify as liberal, compared to only 28% of white Gen Z men.

This gender gap has been widening for a while. Over the past two decades, the political profiles of young men and women remained pretty stable, but in recent years women have shifted significantly to the left. In the US, 44% of young women identified as liberal in 2021 compared to 25% of young men — up from 30% of women and 27% of men a decade ago; the biggest gender gap in 24 years of polling.

From the bar chart in the article:

% Liberals - Men

  • 28% Gen Z
  • 34% Millennials <-- Highest
  • 23% Gen X
  • 25% Boomers

% Liberals - Women

  • 46% Gen Z <-- Highest
  • 39% Millennials
  • 24% Gen X
  • 24% Boomers

Article examines a variety of causes:

  • University is leftist, and more women than men go to Uni
  • Social justice appeals to womens' personalities
  • Social media / social contagion

Net result is that there are going to be a lot of future lonely old cat ladies: women are more unwilling to date "across party lines".

... Marriage and birth rates are already falling fast. In the UK, more than half of women aged 34 or under are now unmarried, and the majority are now childless by their 30th birthday. In the US, too, 45% of women are predicted to be childless and unmarried by 2030. ...

Mighty convenient for those who want to reduce population, isnt't it?

Oh, and maybe it will also raise the rate of MAiD, too:

... Stable marriages not only contribute to societal cohesion and are crucial for children’s well-being, but are a significant predictor of happiness for both men and women. In fact, research reveals falling marriage rates to be a major reason for declining national happiness in America. ...

... Jonathan Haidt has found, it is young liberal women who are suffering the most. In fact, 56% of liberal white women aged 18-29 have been diagnosed with a mental health condition. ...

The article also talks about solutions, likely applicable only to younger teens:

  • get girls off their screens and away from MSM, pop culture, social media, where they get pumped full of propaganda
  • parents must counter any talk of "victimhood" and ruminating over "micro-aggressions"

... girls suffer when we sell them self-pity wrapped up as empowerment. They suffer when we bombard them with a bleak, fatalistic view of the world and of themselves. And both sexes will suffer if we pull any further apart. ...

But more than that: the right has to conciously and explicitly show they VALUE the traditional female social role. The right spends a lot of time criticizing women in the workplace but not much time lauding women at home. Praise of SAHMs would go a long way towards luring young women back to sanity.

In addition to social support for the SAHM role, it also has to be something that is inherently fulfilling. It has to require skills and provide some level of self-esteem when demonstrating them. It used to be that being a stay at home mom included cooking from scratch, sewing clothes from scratch, homeschooling the kids. That's what all those old baking contests and quilting contests you see at country fairs are all about. But now, we seem to value the convenience of commercial-off-the-shelf food and clothing and send kids to public schools and the role of SAHM has become pretty much "de-skilled", and hence inherently unfulfilling. No one wants to feel that they are a useless moron, a drain on the family rather than a contributing team member. So I would add that taking young girls to those "home crafts" exhibits at country fairs and praising the skill involved in making good cakes and pies and canning preserves and making quilts--and also a bit of "lets try this at home--will go a long way to making the SAHM role look appealing.