GREAT HOLIDAY READ: There have been at least 1030 Jewish expulsions in modern recorded history -
But why exactly do the Jews keep getting expelled ?
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not according to the Bible
Not all Jews are the chosen ones. Most are not but are more than happy to take advantage of a lineage that is not theirs to take.
Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 come to mind.
The neverending lies that they have told throughout history which they use to play the victim been uncovered with exquisite detail. They made numerous attempts for years to claim 6 million Jews were persecuted. The holocaust story is the one that finally stuck. Why did Germany want them out? Do some actual research and you will find that they (as they are right this minute) are the heads of the porn industry, the heads of the political parties, military, religions, and corporations pushing the immorality, divorce, LGBTQ, Raycist, single parent family, abortion, child trafficking, child indoctrination....... This is what happened to Germany. Destroyed from the inside out. Germany said GET OUT. Germany asked them to leave. Germany paid them and gave them transportation out. Some left... but then the Jews declared war on Germany. Germany then placed them into the camps. Interestingly in these camps, they had sports teams, movie theaters, swimming pools, and all sorts of luxuries that the common German citizen didn't receive. The supply lines were being cut off and Germany wasn't able to feed their own soldiers and the supply the camps adequately.
Germany did not want to adopt the central banking system. That didn't go over to well as you would guess. Any country that tries to do there own system gets 'handled'. Germany got handlesd. Victors got to write history as they saw fit. They finally got the 6 million number to stick. Camps conveniently got called death camps (alot of people died there but it wasn't due to mass killings). Alot of work was done to the camps post war and then photographed to narrate a story.
To find the truth you have to start digging a couple decades prior to the war. You will see the patterns and failed attempts at creating the narrative that we have today.
If you want to discuss the history or debate evidence you get called all sorts of silly names. You get labeled with hate crime or antisemitic. Just for asking questions.... Why would that be? What other group of people in this world have that level of power that you can't express criticism without being cancelled and your life destroyed? It is often said the true masters are the group you are not allowed to criticize. Name any other group with that much power. Only the Jews.
They may be God's chosen people. That is between them and God. They want to destroy my family. They want to destroy my country. They want all peoples to serve them and elevate them above all else. Excuse me if I say Hell No.
we can assume that all real Jews are indeed God's chosen people. that is what the Bible says. It is very clear that there is a satanic cult who disguise themselves as Jews.
Which one do you think wants to destroy your family? God's chosen people, or the satanic cult?
Yeah. Duh. follow the Bible. blame the communosatanic globohomo khazarians. not the Jews.