posted ago by bubble_bursts ago by bubble_bursts +58 / -2


Any share you own with a brokerage is not actually owned by you. You are just a "beneficial owner". The shares are actually owned by a company called Cede and Company which is a subsidiary of DTC.

So whats the big deal? So what if you are a beneficial owner, whatever that means?

It is a big deal when your brokerage firm goes out of business. When that happens, the shares go back to the DTC and not to you because they are the real owners.

If you are holding a share via DRS, on the other hand, then you own the shares.

A couple of interesting numbers / symbology.

17% of all US shares are owned by the people, via DRS.

Cede and Company is located at address 55 W̳a̳t̳e̳r̳ Street, NY.

We all know the significance of 55 - "Storm is upon us"

When the storm is upon us, and the brokerages start collapsing, people will watch their shares all flow into the Water Street - One of the key meanings of Watch the Water ?