DJT National Emergency 13MAR 2020 retroactive to 01MAR 2020 and "Nationalization" of Federal Reserve by the US Treasury 27MAR 2020.
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Some things not covered in detail by MSM that appear to be critical to understanding where we are.
13MAR2020; "Proclamation on Declaring a National Emergency Concerning the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Outbreak":
This may be the very first legal act taken by DJT to place the United States into a "state of war". As a wartime C-I-C DJT had virtually unlimited powers to protect the country per his oath and duty per Article II of the Constitution. This "wartime power of the President/C-I-C" has been recently affirmed by SCOTUS and also has 170+ years of historical precedent.
27MAR2020 Bloomberg; "The Fed’s Cure Risks Being Worse Than the Disease":
The previously private and independent corporation Federal Reserve Bank was moved under the Treasury through effective "Nationalization" of the FRB, making all Federal Reserve Board members employees of the Treasury and U.S. Federal gov't rather than representatives of the private bank owners of the Federal Reserve Bank Corporation. Suspected ownership was by 6 largest banks in U.S.
Contrast 27MAR2020 "full mobilizaiton" with this 15MAR2020 weaksauce beta-male statement from the Federal Reserve Bank issued prior to their "nationalization" 12 days later:
The Treasury Department was one of the specific Executive Branch Departments taken over by Lincoln and co-opted to do specific things under the Lincoln wartime government 1861-65. (War Dept and State Dept were two other of the key Departments with key wartime roles directly controlled by Lincoln.)