Q: What is shedding?
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
A: shedding is when you get a vaccine for some virus, but then the vaccine itself causes you to become infected with that virus, and then subsequently the vaccinated person starts "shedding" the virus, causing other people to become infected.
its officially a conspiracy theory,
but it actually happens.
and if they would lie about one thing, they would lie about anything.
Prayers up friend. I had my bout with C19 that put me in the hospital for 4 days a couple of years back. Somehow I knew God would pull me through, but it did get a bit into the "Is this it?" realm a time or two.
Then I got a phone call the second or third day in, and it took me a moment to realize a priest was giving me "Last Rites" at a speed that told me he had many other calls to make. After I hung up the phone, I knew everything was going to be okay from there on out. Looking up, I simply said "Funny, very funny--and thank you!".
Look into Solfeggio frequencies for what it's worth. It's been shown the frequencies of sound can provide some healing in the way they interact with our cells. https://mindeasy.com/the-9-solfeggio-frequencies-and-their-benefits/
Thank you for this. I appreciate it more than you know. I tried some frequency channels on YouTube a couple of years ago. We could hear/feel the music and then, one day, it didn’t sound the same and we couldn’t feel the music vibrating in our bodies anymore. I found out later that YouTube did that intentionally. I should dig up some sauce on this but it’s bedtime! I will look for the article re: YouTube I am hopeful that Mindeasy.com has what we’re looking for!