Problem is that there is censorship that stops a lot of posts on here. My post on Noahide laws (which were apparently signed into US law) was taken down. Anything deemed anti-Trump (no matter how slight) is verboten.
Yes that is something that should be debated more. As much as I like Trump there is a lot that I am skeptical of (super pro Israel and a lot of Jew connections (we will see if that’s good or bad), a lot of grifting vibe things like selling quick meet and greets for 5k or 10k and even selling NFTs, he didn’t stop censorship which I fully believe he could have done through executive order if he wanted to. I’m hoping it’s all part of the plan but Trump should be questioned just like others. As much as we love him we have to understand all of the trumps have huge wealth and are not suffering anything like the average person. Sure they slander his name and attack him legally but Trump junior is giving speeches at hunting conventions and fishing on his 1.5 million dollar boat while we are wondering wtf is going on. Not the best look imo
Indeed. Signing TTIP worried me, the the Noahide laws still stand. "God Epmeror" demigod reminds me of the blind way a certain tyrant was followed not too long ago.
Problem is that there is censorship that stops a lot of posts on here. My post on Noahide laws (which were apparently signed into US law) was taken down. Anything deemed anti-Trump (no matter how slight) is verboten.
Yes that is something that should be debated more. As much as I like Trump there is a lot that I am skeptical of (super pro Israel and a lot of Jew connections (we will see if that’s good or bad), a lot of grifting vibe things like selling quick meet and greets for 5k or 10k and even selling NFTs, he didn’t stop censorship which I fully believe he could have done through executive order if he wanted to. I’m hoping it’s all part of the plan but Trump should be questioned just like others. As much as we love him we have to understand all of the trumps have huge wealth and are not suffering anything like the average person. Sure they slander his name and attack him legally but Trump junior is giving speeches at hunting conventions and fishing on his 1.5 million dollar boat while we are wondering wtf is going on. Not the best look imo
Indeed. Signing TTIP worried me, the the Noahide laws still stand. "God Epmeror" demigod reminds me of the blind way a certain tyrant was followed not too long ago.