Soon, you won’t even need to be nabbed by the cops to get a speeding ticket. California approved a pilot program to place speed cameras on the streets of San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose, Los Angeles, Glendale and Long Beach. That means a camera with a license plate reader could automatically send a speeding ticket to your house.
The five-year trial period begins in 2024, although it may take half a year or more for the cameras to be installed and operational. If you’re ticketed in the first 60 days of a camera being installed, you’ll just get a warning. After that, though, citations from $50 to $500 will arrive in your mailbox.
Wow. What's next?
The Protect People From Evil Thoughts Act of 2026
Beginning in January, all Citizens of California will have compulsory neurolinks implanted into their brains tied to our expertly created Society Protection AI. If people have thoughts that fall outside of what is healthy for society an aneurism is caused by the device to ensure those unhealthy thoughts do not contaminate the collective, you know, for The Greater Good.
For the first sixty days of the program this device should only cause a nosebleed. It would be unfair of us to implement such a system without a training period.
Wow. What's next?