Not to the same extent as you as I never went full atheist. Just a lot of experiences with people that made me question what it means to be Christian. Largely because of Dogmatics that either hid behind the Bible to justify being assholes and cruel.
Or because they accepted everything from the pulpit and parroted it without any original thoughts, even when evidence otherwise was slapping them upside the head, and the attempts to quash dissent and questions. Not to mention a steadfast refusal to educate themselves on the History of the Book they planned their lives around was mind boggling.
The amount of people I’ve met who for instance never realized the Bible was a compilation of dozens if not hundreds of separate texts compiled by early church leaders over the course of a number of decades, or potentially one or two conclaves of early church leaders, at least depending on the source you use. Was mind boggling.
Don’t even get me started on the differences between Hebrew Translations and modern English Bibles.
Not to mention the energy waisted attacking other Christians and Christians denominations over comparatively trivial differences in opinion. Which is also served to illustrate to me how and why American Christians have been on the back foot and constantly giving ground to the woke for 70+ years in society and in multiple cases. Their own churches. They’re still stuck fighting the bloody reformation. Instead of making common cause.
Closest I ever got to Atheism was briefly considering myself agnostic. I consider myself Christian again. And I occasionally still attend a Church as I do still find some nostalgic comfort in the Mass and Hymns. But I can’t say there’s a denomination I’d reliably fit under anymore.
I’m just me. And ultimately I’ll need to answer to God on whether the imperfect life I’ve lived was acceptable.
Though There is something inherently Ironic though that it took a Man who by most measurable metrics doesn’t fit what most denominations consider to be a “Model” Christian. To get American Christians to actually put their perpetual inter-denominational feuds and disagreements on hold and actually organize a concerted United resistance.
Very well said. And yes, isn't it great that Trump was chosen to help us in this fight!
Kim Clement on Trump:
February 10, 2007
There will be a praying president, not a religious one.12 For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will.13 God says, the one that is chosen shall go in, and they shall say, “he has hot blood.”14 For the Spirit of God says, yes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way, and the economy of this country shall change rapidly,15 says the Lord of hosts.
Listen to the word of the Lord. God says, “I will put at your helm for two terms16 a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office, and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and My power,17 says the Lord of hosts.
April 4, 2007
“This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing,6 a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace, if you wish, into the news media, where Time Magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say.7 Newsweek, what I want them to say. The View, what I want them to say. Trump shall become a trumpet,8 says the Lord. Trump shall become a trumpet. I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet, and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the church,9 says the Lord….
For God said, “I will not forget 9/11. I will not forget what took place that day, and I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York,10 who will once again stand and watch over this nation,” says the Spirit of God. “It shall come to pass that the man that I shall place in the highest office shall go in whispering My name. But God said, when he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit. For I shall fill Him with My Spirit when he goes into office, and there will be a praying man in the highest seat in your land.11
Not to the same extent as you as I never went full atheist. Just a lot of experiences with people that made me question what it means to be Christian. Largely because of Dogmatics that either hid behind the Bible to justify being assholes and cruel.
Or because they accepted everything from the pulpit and parroted it without any original thoughts, even when evidence otherwise was slapping them upside the head, and the attempts to quash dissent and questions. Not to mention a steadfast refusal to educate themselves on the History of the Book they planned their lives around was mind boggling.
The amount of people I’ve met who for instance never realized the Bible was a compilation of dozens if not hundreds of separate texts compiled by early church leaders over the course of a number of decades, or potentially one or two conclaves of early church leaders, at least depending on the source you use. Was mind boggling.
Don’t even get me started on the differences between Hebrew Translations and modern English Bibles.
Not to mention the energy waisted attacking other Christians and Christians denominations over comparatively trivial differences in opinion. Which is also served to illustrate to me how and why American Christians have been on the back foot and constantly giving ground to the woke for 70+ years in society and in multiple cases. Their own churches. They’re still stuck fighting the bloody reformation. Instead of making common cause.
Closest I ever got to Atheism was briefly considering myself agnostic. I consider myself Christian again. And I occasionally still attend a Church as I do still find some nostalgic comfort in the Mass and Hymns. But I can’t say there’s a denomination I’d reliably fit under anymore.
I’m just me. And ultimately I’ll need to answer to God on whether the imperfect life I’ve lived was acceptable.
Though There is something inherently Ironic though that it took a Man who by most measurable metrics doesn’t fit what most denominations consider to be a “Model” Christian. To get American Christians to actually put their perpetual inter-denominational feuds and disagreements on hold and actually organize a concerted United resistance.
Very well said. And yes, isn't it great that Trump was chosen to help us in this fight!
Kim Clement on Trump:
February 10, 2007
There will be a praying president, not a religious one.12 For I will fool the people, says the Lord. I will fool the people, yes I will.13 God says, the one that is chosen shall go in, and they shall say, “he has hot blood.”14 For the Spirit of God says, yes, he may have hot blood, but he will bring the walls of protection on this country in a greater way, and the economy of this country shall change rapidly,15 says the Lord of hosts.
Listen to the word of the Lord. God says, “I will put at your helm for two terms16 a president that will pray, but he will not be a praying president when he starts. I will put him in office, and then I will baptize him with the Holy Spirit and My power,17 says the Lord of hosts.
April 4, 2007
“This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing,6 a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace, if you wish, into the news media, where Time Magazine will have no choice but to say what I want them to say.7 Newsweek, what I want them to say. The View, what I want them to say. Trump shall become a trumpet,8 says the Lord. Trump shall become a trumpet. I will raise up the Trump to become a trumpet, and Bill Gates to open up the gate of a financial realm for the church,9 says the Lord….
For God said, “I will not forget 9/11. I will not forget what took place that day, and I will not forget the gatekeeper that watched over New York,10 who will once again stand and watch over this nation,” says the Spirit of God. “It shall come to pass that the man that I shall place in the highest office shall go in whispering My name. But God said, when he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit. For I shall fill Him with My Spirit when he goes into office, and there will be a praying man in the highest seat in your land.11