I highly doubt Epstein was part of a white hat operation the entire time, but what if Epstein switched sides, came clean, and gave Trump the goods in return for some sort of immuity. Makes me think of the Trump Mara Lago raid.. Everyone has been debating if Epstein killed himself or someone killed him, when he is actually still alive and well.
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Well.. that does sound ridiculous. Now that I think about it, my idea sounds ridiculous too 😄
Don’t doubt yourself. The ears, look at Jeffery’s ears while on the gurney being rolled out. There is some Mission Impossible movie shit going on IMHO
Well... that's the other thing.. they were very quick to show the "dead" body to us in the MSM.. I thought that was to help create the narrative he was DEFINITELY dead, we just have to fight over how he died ha
Like they never show us anything.. we have to wait years to see anything... but because they showed us the dead body of Epstein.. Well, we know he HAS to be dead right?
Except that body looked more like Anthony Bordain than Epstein.
The cabal thinks we are all stupid. ( instead of only some of us) Like how we don't see Maui as intentional destruction and fraud for appropriating it for a 15 minute elite island city.
So many fabrications at their convenience.