What is your best guess from best hopes to best guess from logic and fact?
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I like your take on it. I am undecided, given how fresh the data is, thus asking for other's opinions.
In the abundance of wise counsel is safety and wisdom.
Remember, everything in these docs are circumstantial evidence. Just depositions of witness. Before they can become facts, further investigation is necessary.
Most cold case homicides and won with circumstantial evidence, doubly so when there are no more living witnesses
I am not saying "circumstantial evidence" as a derogatory term. In fact, circumstantial evidence is not even the correct term. What I am saying is that these evidence have not been tested in the cases against the alleged rapists.
There needs to be a case against Prince Andrew (for example), and these testimonies will then become evidence presented against him. That would elicit response from his defence team, which in turn might will the net or more info directly relevant to the Great Happenings will start coming out.
When we see names of people directly involved in whats been happening in the past 7 years, thats when we know we are reaching the precipice.