283 DC_DRAINO — "So are we not going to be told the truth about why Miami had possibly the biggest police response I’ve ever seen in my life? They’re saying it was for teenagers fighting? What really happened?" (twitter.com) posted 1 year ago by Qanaut 1 year ago by Qanaut +283 / -0 126 comments share 126 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Wrong. There is no expectations of privacy in public. This is something g a lot of conservatives struggle with.
We want to see what officer ??? Did on a certain day and see videos of his interactions during said day.
It is public record for all tax payers.
This is why everywhere you go in public you can be recorded by anyone and any business.
Every Tesla car records everywhere it drives too.
-no expectation of privacy in public-
Why do you think people really wanted masks mandated everywhere? It makes privacy (facial recognition) hard to be done in public.
So say a police officer goes into a private home. All that would need to be done is have that coded differently just as anything else is.
They could link it to GPS and all areas coded as residential. Just the home itself not the public side walk.
It is something the conservative and Republican people have either lost or become beguiled too.
Look it up. Supreme Court has said “no expectations of privacy in public”
Just like with the 2A - We the People have the right to bear Arms.
We allow the government to safeguard all public information and give it to the MSM to then make a narrative of what they deem it should be.
If we are going to defeat the information warfare, we have to be allowed to have the information. Just like the 2A allows us to safeguard ourselves.
Public recording is that. It doesn’t identify people unless the people being recorded identify themselves.
In my opinion we will lose if conservatives do not wake up and understand this principle of public vs private.
One of the major problems we have is this.