Using the sliding graph at the bottom, I was able to calculate the following:
There were approximately 2 million deaths by Jan 4, 2021.
Total deaths from Jan 1, 2020 through Dec 31, 2023 is approximately 7 million.
So AFTER the 'VAXXINES" were available, which were "safe and effective" and would "stop the spread", 5 MILLION people have died. Only 2 million died during Covid w/o a vaxxine.
This is the biggest pile of BS I have ever seen. They are throwing in the Vaxx deaths with "covid" deaths and calling it all the same.
Don't forget, you're unvaxxed until 14 days after you receive the shot. The people who died in the first 14 days after getting the shot are listed as unvaxxed covid deaths.
It still blows my mind that this is logical to them.
Using the sliding graph at the bottom, I was able to calculate the following:
So AFTER the 'VAXXINES" were available, which were "safe and effective" and would "stop the spread", 5 MILLION people have died. Only 2 million died during Covid w/o a vaxxine.
This is the biggest pile of BS I have ever seen. They are throwing in the Vaxx deaths with "covid" deaths and calling it all the same.
Don't forget, you're unvaxxed until 14 days after you receive the shot. The people who died in the first 14 days after getting the shot are listed as unvaxxed covid deaths.
It still blows my mind that this is logical to them.
It’s like a newborn not being alive until 15 days after birth.
I wonder how many of them were hoaxes like the COV19 pandemic.