America is NOT OK! I feel we’re being pushed into poverty so that the government can sweep in and “save” us all at the last min. Most people live paycheck-paycheck, if they are lucky to even have a job. The middle class has disappeared and the lower class is living on the streets and in their cars.
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Evangelicals need to drop the Scofield Dispensational garbage and start reading the Bible on your own. If listening to the 501c3 Seeker Friendly Milk Toast pastors for the last 100 years was a good thing, America wouldn't be in the sorry shape it's in right now.
Re-read Matthew 24 verse 34 (most Scofield pastors will not talk about this verse)! There will be no world government, no Mark of the Beast, no Great Tribulation, no end times Anti-Christ, and there was no prophecy that was fulfilled with the REBIRTH of Israel in 1948 as taught by such prophetic charlatans like Hagee and Lindsey!
According to Jesus own words in Matthew 24:34, everything He speaks of in that chapter will be fulfilled before the generation He was speaking to came to an end. This was historically correct, but of course modern Evangelical Pastors refuse to teach on the history of the Destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD because if they did, it would become obvious that what Jesus was talking about has already happened. Jesus also told his disciples and that generation that the tribulation of those days wouldn't be repeated...ever! The Great Tribulation occurred when Jerusalem was destroyed by Rome in 70AD.
Bottom line is this, Jesus finished His work and destroyed the devil and his works in 70AD when Israel was destroyed, the Mosaic Covenant ended and the Covenant of Grace began. The message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ...that pure, holy and blessed message of forgiveness and love for all those who believe on His name and His sacrifice will fulfill it's destiny of taking over the world and ushering in the Theocratic Rule of Jesus Christ. Oh, and fake modern Israel (which is nothing more than a satanically inspired front for the Rothschild funded Zionist the Balfour Declaration) are certainly NOT God's chosen people! Those who are bananas for Jesus are God's chosen people and adoption into God's chosen is open to anyone and everyone who will accept Jesus.
So if Jesus' work is done, what explains what is happening now? If his work is done, we are in post rapture, and we are all currently in actual biblical hell right now. Is that what you're saying?
"Bottom line is this, Jesus finished His work and destroyed the devil and his works in 70AD"
Really dude? (or dudette?)
Step out of your front door if you think evil has been destroyed. I agree with you that the modern Israel is most certainly not God's Chosen but the biggest deception in the history of the world.
I will go back and re examine your post and scripture though in case I took it the wrong way.