I have a great deal of respect for the founding fathers and their vision. Reading the Federalist Papers and a lot of the early documents, you'll see they were often at odds with each other and had completely different ideas from person to person. They figured something out that worked better than I think any of them would have expected in the long term.
That said, no regime is bound to last forever. I find it hard to be a conservative in a world that seems to have very little worth conserving. Our government has become evil and corrupt beyond anything even remotely acceptable, and the constitution didn't save us. The principles that our country was founded on was tailor-made for a nation that no longer exists. I'm afraid the modern American people are incapable of handling the kind of system envisioned all those years ago. I don't see a democratic republic functioning with the way people are today, especially people my age and younger. Our culture is a cesspool.
"Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” - John Adams
Indeed. First the Articles of Confederation were tried. When the debt had to be paid, certain amenities had to be made. That is what you now know as The Constitution for the united States of America.
Of course, Amendment 1-13 ( the original belong in there)
As said, the problem facing humanity since Unam Sanctam, de basis for financing the Papal States, is debt & taxes. And the C.is no different. Once you start to think in terms of debt, history since Unam Sanctam becomes logical. Even the War of Southern Seccession becomes logical.
Lincoln did not save the Union. All he had to do was let freedom reign. But no, war rakes up debt. And debts ..... well ... Ask Mr. J.P.Morgan. Since then you know it as THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES.