Are we starting to see arrests, and the media is struggling not acknowledging it? (The revolution will not be televised)…..
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
If the plan were to be true and eventually start unfolding in our view-what would the beginning mass arrest stages look like? Would the media that is owned by them be truthful with their reporting?
Would the arrest of the USA defense secretary be announced?
Or would his disappearance be portrayed as something else? Hospitalization perhaps? Suicide perhaps?
The Miami police presence and shut down also scream high profile arrest/search/unrest to me…..
Great theory- looking back, trying to make sense of some of the other strange Congressional “ medical occurrences” including John McCain, Diane Feinstein and John Fetterman…was he arrested and an “actor” hospitalized? His entire family left him ( and the state I think) while he is at deaths door suffering through the most critical time of his life? Family relocated… arrest makes total sense…
Mitch McConnell freezing in front of cameras repeatedly always seemed like an act to me.