I remember when my oldest was a toddler, someone told me their kid was allergic to strawberries. Strawberries! I was floored. I have never heard such a thing!! Now it's common along with peanuts, all nuts, gluten, and whatever else is the new thing. I know it's all connected to jabbing kids with a million things, but you can't feed them good things (just cheerios and pouch crap) until they are 2 or whatever. I didn't listen, our kids' first food was avocado and we went up from there.
I have a strawberry allergy, or so I've been told, but the only time I had a reaction was when I ate a whole pound of it in an afternoon when I was a kid. Wasn't even that severe, just a breakout of hives. Might not even have been the strawberries, but probably pesticides that went properly rinsed off.
I'm more convinced than ever that vaccines are causing most of the widespread nonspecific health problems (lethargy, obesity, etc), autoimmune disorders (Crohn's, psoriasis, lupus, endometriosis, etc) and food allergies (milk, gluten, etc) seen in people about 35 and younger.
If a person can't get an organ transplant without lifelong drugs to prevent tissue rejection) an immune response) how can a vaccine with remnants of fetal stem cell remnants not elicit an immune response to cellular components?
Fuck around with the immune system, find out how to create a cash cow for big pharma.
Honey is too risky, but try this MMR vaccine!
Haha. Honey bad but aluminum and formaldehyde in the blood stream good.
They want to kill your baby. I am done softening the truth for snowflakes!
Excellent point.
I remember when my oldest was a toddler, someone told me their kid was allergic to strawberries. Strawberries! I was floored. I have never heard such a thing!! Now it's common along with peanuts, all nuts, gluten, and whatever else is the new thing. I know it's all connected to jabbing kids with a million things, but you can't feed them good things (just cheerios and pouch crap) until they are 2 or whatever. I didn't listen, our kids' first food was avocado and we went up from there.
I have a strawberry allergy, or so I've been told, but the only time I had a reaction was when I ate a whole pound of it in an afternoon when I was a kid. Wasn't even that severe, just a breakout of hives. Might not even have been the strawberries, but probably pesticides that went properly rinsed off.
I'm more convinced than ever that vaccines are causing most of the widespread nonspecific health problems (lethargy, obesity, etc), autoimmune disorders (Crohn's, psoriasis, lupus, endometriosis, etc) and food allergies (milk, gluten, etc) seen in people about 35 and younger.
If a person can't get an organ transplant without lifelong drugs to prevent tissue rejection) an immune response) how can a vaccine with remnants of fetal stem cell remnants not elicit an immune response to cellular components?
Fuck around with the immune system, find out how to create a cash cow for big pharma.
Do they really give babies eight shots at a time these days?
Some vaccines are bundled. MMR is 3 vaccines in one vial, so that is 3 vaccines or shots with one injection.
I know that. But eight in one day is something I wanted clarification on. I am anti-vax, but I'd never heard of that.
The only benefit to this would be only one dose of all the crap preservatives versus multiple.