Q also said that "to know" would put many people in the hospital. The human mind can only stand so much shock. That is the reason Q has said it will be up to each individual whether to KNOW or NOT to KNOW. Apparently they are going to put the really bad in a more protected area and it will be by choice if you want to know or not......that way the children will be protected also. Again.....it is a tight-rope walk to handle this correctly. Maybe some here have seen the really bad hrc video..... I have not. I read a statement several years ago by a woman who was warning people to be careful what they viewed. She SAW it and said she would give anything if she HAD NOT SEEN IT. You can not unsee things. She was giving the warning that if you had the opportunity to watch it to not do so because it will haunt you. Remember some seasoned police officers in NYC viewed it after Weiner's laptop was confiscated and many ran out of the viewing room vomiting and in severe shock.
Q also said that "to know" would put many people in the hospital. The human mind can only stand so much shock. That is the reason Q has said it will be up to each individual whether to KNOW or NOT to KNOW. Apparently they are going to put the really bad in a more protected area and it will be by choice if you want to know or not......that way the children will be protected also. Again.....it is a tight-rope walk to handle this correctly. Maybe some here have seen the really bad hrc video..... I have not. I read a statement several years ago by a woman who was warning people to be careful what they viewed. She SAW it and said she would give anything if she HAD NOT SEEN IT. You can not unsee things. She was giving the warning that if you had the opportunity to watch it to not do so because it will haunt you. Remember some seasoned police officers in NYC viewed it after Weiner's laptop was confiscated and many ran out of the viewing room vomiting and in severe shock.