It's a parasite that can sit dormant or when active will effect the brain in the form of schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, and Bi-Polar disorder.
Although Toxoplasma gondii, the protozoan parasite that causes toxoplasmosis, was identified in 1908, it took more than half a century to identify
felines as its primary host. By 1959 it was alleged that “dogs and cats have been most frequently suspected”1 but it was the work of William
Hutchinson in the 1960s that convincingly demonstrated the importance of oocysts shed in cat feces in the transmission of T. gondii2-3 This was
followed in 1969 by Gordon Wallace’s report showing an absence of T. gondii on remote Pacific islands where there were no cats.4 Therefore, in
1971, the United States Public Health Service recommended that pregnant women should avoid contact with cat feces to avoid becoming infected.
T. gondii can be acquired by humans in several different ways. It may be transmitted as a tissue cyst, usually by eating undercooked meat from an
infected animal, or as an oocyst.
Another less obvious nugget in there. 🐈🐱
Cat's carry Toxoplasma Gondii
It's a parasite that can sit dormant or when active will effect the brain in the form of schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, and Bi-Polar disorder.
Source: Transmission of T. gondii
And T. gondii causes schizophrenia.
"Crazy Cat Lady" is real.
The Simpsons covered the Crazy Cat Lady also.
Matt Groening is a freemason, so there is that also.
Did it blame T. gondii? I would be shocked if it did. Will check it out.
I don't think it did, but the Parasite Pill gets much closer to what appears to be the gross truth.