195 iI's just a coincidence You people need to get a life You're looking for things that don't exist You don't know what it was in his brain you didn't draw this Go back to your WIN q-tard TRUST THE PLAN (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by catsfive 1 year ago by catsfive +198 / -3 32 comments download share 32 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I formally demand catsfive change his user name to QTardinCharge. Kek
Off to travel the Quantum space in the QTardis! Interdimensional memes locked and loaded!
Do NOT tell me the name is actually in use already. Dang Nabbitt. Kek.
edit: when I checked link, told me error. so kekkity kek.
also, spell check on phone sux.