I'm struggling with something for the future. While we should never have gotten to the point where we need Q and POTUA to drain the swamp for us, we nevertheless did. Fine. I trust the plan with a faith that I thought I'd lost. I think that the victory of good over evil is a foregone conclusion for our Republic based on what we are witnessing. Bad actors, evil, corrupt, venal psychopaths eliminated from positions of power. Fantastic, and Godspeed.
But how to we stop it from happening again - or are we just like the Matrix and the machines -destined to keep repeating this over and over throughout history? Is there a way to win once and for all?
That's my question and task for my descendants
History books need to be rewritten and our kids and descendants need a classical American education with rigorous testing.
And reinforcement so the message won't get diluted or altered over time
I do not agree with the rigorous testing... I don't remember a ding dong thing I learned for a test. Kids should be immersed in education through museums, documentaries, reading, acting out scenes from history or witnessing live history reenactments (we go to a weekend function every year where a battle of the Revolutionary war is reenacted. So many kids are interested and watch!). They need to be taught that learning is fun, not rigorous. I am in my early 50's, and I am still learning. I always thought it stopped after school was done. Kids need to learn in various mediums, and learn that learning doesn't stop when they are done with the teacher. They shouldn't shut their minds and when they relax, learning happens without us or them even trying.