posted ago by seernewday ago by seernewday +85 / -0

 A private citizen can ask a superior court judge to sign an arrest warrant or he/she could take the case directly before a grand jury. Clevenger explained the scenario in a trio of tweets. Concerned citizens need not wait around for politicians to prosecute Nathan Wade or Fani Willis. Any private citizen can take evidence before a Georgia superior court judge and get an arrest warrant. See Georgia Grand Jury Handbook (https://hallcounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/2302/Grand-Jury-Handbook-PDF?bidId=…), p. 26. (2/3) Fulton County is far left, but Wade’s offices are in Cobb County, which still has some conservative judges. Anyone could take the issue before a Cobb County judge or take it directly to the grand jury. (3/3) The case against Willis / Wade would be prosecuted by the Georgia AG (rather than the Democrat DA) because the AG has special jurisdiction over public corruption crimes against the state (https://law.georgia.gov/about-us/duties). Anyone interested?