So much of it due to a lack of tribalism (specifically the sense of preservation of the tribe). A tribe's first goal is to ensure the survival of the tribute, its culture, its religious beliefs, and would protect those things and its way of life against foreign invaders, not just allow them to walk in and bring their barbaric customs and foreign tongues and diseases in with them. A tribe wouldn't view immigrants from hostile cultures as a benefit to their society, it would view them as a threat to it and keep them out.
I don't think you need look any further than the Native Americans to see what happens when you allow mass entry of people with hostile value systems to yours. It ends in the destructive of your way of life and massive suffering of whatever people survive.
Yup, and the problem is the longer this goes on the more people we have that aren't interested in preserving and restoring the original vision of American and instead want to make it more like the hellholes they fled to come here.
Exactly. Japan for the Japanese. They understand that they have a right to their country and to not have it invaded by hostile or violent outsiders disrupting what their ancestors created for them.
It is us who has forgotten this simple basic fact.
Tribalism seems to work out well for Japan.
Not really.
There is a lot of social depression in Japan. Way too sheep like structure.
They have more social cohesion, more public order, less crime, more public manners, and way less people freeloading the social systems.
Also, the US has higher rates of depression than Japan.
What you are talking about has nothing to do with tribalism.
The reason why America is ln the shape it’s in. It’s not because we have different people living together.
It’s because we have the largest economy in the world. And we have a large black market that thrives.
This is because of the Cabal. Not because of the people.
So much of it due to a lack of tribalism (specifically the sense of preservation of the tribe). A tribe's first goal is to ensure the survival of the tribute, its culture, its religious beliefs, and would protect those things and its way of life against foreign invaders, not just allow them to walk in and bring their barbaric customs and foreign tongues and diseases in with them. A tribe wouldn't view immigrants from hostile cultures as a benefit to their society, it would view them as a threat to it and keep them out.
I don't think you need look any further than the Native Americans to see what happens when you allow mass entry of people with hostile value systems to yours. It ends in the destructive of your way of life and massive suffering of whatever people survive.
If everyone in our government was MAGA for real. We wouldn’t have those problems. It would be the same as Japan.
Yup, and the problem is the longer this goes on the more people we have that aren't interested in preserving and restoring the original vision of American and instead want to make it more like the hellholes they fled to come here.
Exactly. Japan for the Japanese. They understand that they have a right to their country and to not have it invaded by hostile or violent outsiders disrupting what their ancestors created for them.
It is us who has forgotten this simple basic fact.
We have more people.
Thinking for yourself is the opposite of tribalism.
It only works well for fake tribal leaders who like to tell everyone else what their cultural identity is suppose to be.
This is why Asia is very sheepish.
They wear mask no problem.