Urban "culture" like you find in the vast ghettos in Chicago and Baltimore and all the large Democrat run cities disproves what you are saying. There are incompatibilities between traditional Western values and those places. Similarly with hard line Islam like you have in Iran or Pakistan, they hold fundamentally incompatible views with the West.
Since you are abstract.
Let me tell you what culture really is.
Every group of people already share a common sense universal cultual.
These are values naturally given to us by birth.
Ask any group of people. Do you value
I would bet you that 99.9% of the world's population would agree to something so basic and common sense.
So the ideas of "Threats" you are talking about. Has nothing to do with the majority of the world's population.
What you are talking about is "Cabal" like "ELITES" who lie into getting into war to steal other people's resources.
There is a reason why the Cabal cannot stop lieing. If they would tell the world the truth.
NO GROUP of people would go along with their nonsense. So they have to use blackmail and bribery to get their evil scam alive.
The rest of the culture that makes us different is superfical things like
You get my point.
Besides skin tone. You are not suppose to fight to PRESERVE food, dance, hairstyle, music, art, etc.
Because those things will always naturally change on their own. Think about car styles.
How much have the look of cars changed vs 40 years ago?
Same thing with Dance, Food, Hairstyle.
Those things are always suppose to be in a natural state of flux.
The 10 commandments is what supposed to be constant.
What you are doing drives me nuts!!
You are trying to make it seem like one group of people has the patent on "COMMON SENSE" values like "Thou shall not kill or "Thou shall not steal".
That's a lie!
The mass majority agree with "Thou shall not kill or "Thou shall not steal".
Urban "culture" like you find in the vast ghettos in Chicago and Baltimore and all the large Democrat run cities disproves what you are saying. There are incompatibilities between traditional Western values and those places. Similarly with hard line Islam like you have in Iran or Pakistan, they hold fundamentally incompatible views with the West.
What you are talking about is the black market that was created by the Cabal.
99 percent of the population in the ghettos aren’t criminals.
They live with mafia style terrorist who are extensions of the drug cartels.
Most of the inner city crime is circular violence between the same gangs and thugs.
They are the mass minority. Which is why a single thug has multiple crimes on their records.