Does someone know where I can get the full list of all Q posts, in some sort of format I could feed into a custom assistant using OpenAI? I would like all posts in one single file ideally, since there is a limit on the number of files you can upload. My goal is to engineer a prompt that would allow a custom assistant to interpret and find patterns in the posts, browsing the web as needed. Ideally I would pass in a separate file of that PDF of the Q proofs (if anyone has a link to that please share as well). Here is the list of supported file types:
FILE FORMAT MIME TYPE CODE INTERPRETER RETRIEVAL .c text/x-c .cpp text/x-c++ .csv application/csv .docx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document .html text/html .java text/x-java .json application/json .md text/markdown .pdf application/pdf .php text/x-php .pptx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation .py text/x-python .py text/x-script.python .rb text/x-ruby .tex text/x-tex .txt text/plain .css text/css .jpeg image/jpeg .jpg image/jpeg .js text/javascript .gif image/gif .png image/png .tar application/x-tar .ts application/typescript .xlsx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet .xml application/xml or "text/xml" .zip application/zip
I'd check out different sites because there are some variations in how things are stored depending on what kind of analysis you want to do (e.g. how referenced posts are handled can be critical). Most sites you can download the source for the site itself as well.
If you're comfortable with Next/React/Javascript you can download the current anontools source here and add a new "tool". This would allow you to re-utilize some of the components which could be helpful:
We have an update in Remix that hasn't gone out yet as well.
Here's all the Q drops but mixed in with code, from the full feed of the RSS from has a compressed PDF version right on their main screen. Not sure if that helps you or not.