I've seen it many times over the years but I obviously never caught this marijuana part, rewatching it there's a part where Cathy talks about how if aliens show up its probably humans pretending to be aliens to take advantage of psychology of such a status.
She also hints at folks with eyed wide open being mind control victims put into places of power to ensure they stay robotic and obedient, made me think of that one lady with the wide eyes at that court case where she's mouthing the words that the lawyer is saying in front of her. Can't find that clip because I don't remember which court case it was.
Very interesting
Thanks for the rabbit hole
Pretty crazy, huh?
I've seen it many times over the years but I obviously never caught this marijuana part, rewatching it there's a part where Cathy talks about how if aliens show up its probably humans pretending to be aliens to take advantage of psychology of such a status.
She also hints at folks with eyed wide open being mind control victims put into places of power to ensure they stay robotic and obedient, made me think of that one lady with the wide eyes at that court case where she's mouthing the words that the lawyer is saying in front of her. Can't find that clip because I don't remember which court case it was.