I can’t and won’t say what he does. But it’s MAGA. I didn’t tell anyone until I was there for a year or so but my boss left recently. It hasn’t been a secret for a while and now the CEO cut me out leaving me and my team high and dry. Please pray for me and them. I have an interview soon and need to mail it. Thank you frens.
Edit: Thank you to everyone that replied and said prayers. Amen and on to new beginnings. I have no idea where this journey goes!
Companies usually don't offer severance packages unless they they feel like they need to for some reason. I suspect your severance package is safe.
As for the tremors, I've had nerve damage that causes tremors since birth. It sucks sometimes. It took practice, but I can now minimize them by calming my mind. That's a tall order when you're interviewing. So, do those things that you know help, like eliminating caffeine and sugar as far before the interview as possible. Next, believe in yourself. Just like everything else in life, your attitude makes a huge difference in the outcome. Let us know how this works out for you.
But read the severance agreement - there will very likely be language that limits or fully precludes your ability to engage further.
There is no severance agreement. They agreed to severance in word only so it’s hopes and prayers for that. Otherwise it was termination with a black stain on a 25 year career for nothing I did wrong. Good and bad. Once the deposit is made…but until then I have no confidence it will happen.
You sound level headed and approaching it from the right perspective. If you are in a right-to-work state, they can fire you at any time for any reason. And if your former CEO or the hierarchy are lefties, you can guarantee you will get purged at some point if a protector is moved.
My wife is high up at a well known liberal .org. She actually has to pretend she is a lib or they'd can her despite generating millions upon millions for the .org. We've since moved from DC to NC and she's fully remote except a couple meetings a year. Her coworkers know I'm MAGA. One of them actually said to her "how can you be married to a Trump supporter?". These people are loons.
Prepare and know what the company does and all about their business. Best of luck in your interview.
I still can't get my mind around the fact that someone would be fired for merely being a Trump supporter. I could maybe see that happening if a person was very vocal and argumentative about it with other, but not just for being a supporter of another candidate.