Any time someone comes out saying all the right words, give it time to hear from OUR President. At first I thought Vivke was a Republican Obummer and then he started redpilling people in the debates and I thought he might be a plant by the White Hats to awaken the never Trumpers. Then Trump said he liked Vivek but still we never trusted him and now Trump clarifies all we thought at the beginning was right. Vivek is one of those like Obummer that will say anything to get a vote, even LIE. I know none of us were going to vote for anyone other than 45. MAGA!
Any time someone comes out saying all the right words, give it time to hear from OUR President. At first I thought Vivke was a Republican Obummer and then he started redpilling people in the debates and I thought he might be a plant by the White Hats to awaken the never Trumpers. Then Trump said he liked Vivek but still we never trusted him and now Trump clarifies all we thought at the beginning was right. Vivek is one of those like Obummer that will say anything to get a vote, even LIE. I know none of us were going to vote for anyone other than 45. MAGA!