I knew it would be bad, wading into the Reddit cesspool to check out some of that salt...but the level of projection going on there is mind-blowing. I think most of those bluetard heads will LITERALLY explode once they realize how badly they've been lied to their entire life, and how gaslit they've been along the way.
Part of me feels bad. But another part of me...once more "truth" has come to light...wants to confront those bluetards and rub their face in it -- "YOU supported, aided and abetted this SHIT for years..."
I'll say it again: I don't give a damn about any unity with these people. Let them die angry as they go extinct, we only need to make sure that any offspring of theirs don't continue their retardation going into the future.
I won't lie...I'm right there with you. I think many of "those" folks need not only to experience the abject humiliation that they heaped upon us for years (decades?)...but to have it pounded into them and theirs for a long, LONG time. How else might they begin to learn? The fact that most of them have bought into -- lock, stock and barrel -- the poison shots may contribute to their extinction even more quickly. Time will tell.
BUT we can never allow this country -- a Constitutional Republic governed by a viable and near perfectly crafted Constitution -- to be allowed to sink to this level of abject corruption ever again, at least not in our lifetime.
I knew it would be bad, wading into the Reddit cesspool to check out some of that salt...but the level of projection going on there is mind-blowing. I think most of those bluetard heads will LITERALLY explode once they realize how badly they've been lied to their entire life, and how gaslit they've been along the way.
Part of me feels bad. But another part of me...once more "truth" has come to light...wants to confront those bluetards and rub their face in it -- "YOU supported, aided and abetted this SHIT for years..."
I'll say it again: I don't give a damn about any unity with these people. Let them die angry as they go extinct, we only need to make sure that any offspring of theirs don't continue their retardation going into the future.
I won't lie...I'm right there with you. I think many of "those" folks need not only to experience the abject humiliation that they heaped upon us for years (decades?)...but to have it pounded into them and theirs for a long, LONG time. How else might they begin to learn? The fact that most of them have bought into -- lock, stock and barrel -- the poison shots may contribute to their extinction even more quickly. Time will tell.
BUT we can never allow this country -- a Constitutional Republic governed by a viable and near perfectly crafted Constitution -- to be allowed to sink to this level of abject corruption ever again, at least not in our lifetime.