Just for grins, I watched both CNN and MSNBC last night to see their reaction to what was happening. CNN was actually quite subdued where the people over at MSNBC were losing their $@!?. The only thing that they could think of to say was that everyone needed to remember that 50% of the Republicans rejected Trump and his policies. Not one word about how he won more votes than any other single candidate in a caucus ever in the history of the state.
And they continued to say over and over that most people don’t believe he will end up being the Republican candidate. I have never seen so much denial in one place at one time and was laughing to the point of crying. It was so funny to watch.
Yeah, it's amusing...but also disturbing. And one of the countless reasons why I hope so many of these media shills make the trip to Gitmo alongside their DS handlers, to pay a definitive price for their actions in recent decades. A price that will serve as an example that treasonous bluetards WILL pay a price for trampling and steamrolling our Constitution.
What they are saying over on X is that there was only 14% turn out of voters. They are not seeing it as a real win due to the weather conditions. However, I WILL TAKE THE WIN! Thank you very much. We all know they would have taken the win if it was their candidate. They would have taken it if the turn out was even less than 14%. Hell, Democrats took the win in 2020 even when they lost! 🤣
Just for grins, I watched both CNN and MSNBC last night to see their reaction to what was happening. CNN was actually quite subdued where the people over at MSNBC were losing their $@!?. The only thing that they could think of to say was that everyone needed to remember that 50% of the Republicans rejected Trump and his policies. Not one word about how he won more votes than any other single candidate in a caucus ever in the history of the state. And they continued to say over and over that most people don’t believe he will end up being the Republican candidate. I have never seen so much denial in one place at one time and was laughing to the point of crying. It was so funny to watch.
Yeah, it's amusing...but also disturbing. And one of the countless reasons why I hope so many of these media shills make the trip to Gitmo alongside their DS handlers, to pay a definitive price for their actions in recent decades. A price that will serve as an example that treasonous bluetards WILL pay a price for trampling and steamrolling our Constitution.
What they are saying over on X is that there was only 14% turn out of voters. They are not seeing it as a real win due to the weather conditions. However, I WILL TAKE THE WIN! Thank you very much. We all know they would have taken the win if it was their candidate. They would have taken it if the turn out was even less than 14%. Hell, Democrats took the win in 2020 even when they lost! 🤣