I have Facebook only for private use and with only family and friends. I have posted and posted all these years of everything going on especially about the vaccine. I hoped all would look,read,dig for themselves but the one person I prayed would was my brother. He didn't. Just found out he got the latest booster from my sister who told me she only has 4 years left for COPD and emphysema. Now I fear I will lose both sooner than I would ever want to. I did keep my children and grandchildren from it but I failed with them. Please pray for them. If I lose my brother over this vaccine I will lose my mind.
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Did Jesus fail when His hometown of Nazareth wouldn't listen to him? Often those that are closest to us regard us as they did Him. "He is only the carpenters son". My daughter's listened to me. My son listened to his wife. I preached as loud as I could. I tried my damndest. I didn't fail him.