Apparently you've never seen the expose' of them climbing into luxury cars as the media chases them to their parking slots. A lot of the hustlers do this for a living verses working. The others take what they get and run down for their next fix or bottle.
Or the one caught on 60 Minutes a few years back that trotted around to a back alley, and was changing clothes before he jumped in his Caddy and took off when the crew caught up to him.
Someone said give food. I have had the wife get made because she offered food, and it was refused, and still she wants to give. I have seen videos where people gave food that was promptly thrown in the trash when they left.
The vast majority of these people want cash for drugs or booze, and many of the rest want cash because they are living it up on do-gooders dimes.
I saw an article from two college kids that when they graduated instead of getting a job and going to work made a 15 year career traveling the country panhandling. They had it down to a science on where to be, what locations in what cities at what time of year. They drove a nice car, stayed in nice hotels, and ate at the finest restaurants. They had saving accounts with big money when they finally gave it up. All because people are guilt ridden due to their own success in life. I'll never feel guilty for working hard and planning ahead, and I have no use for those that didn't.
Similar to frequent grifting for gasoline. Someone comes to you while at the gas pump or walks up to you in a parking lot asking for cash to get gas. I tell them bring the car or can and I’ll fill it. They say nooo...don’t want to inconvenience is fine. A guy in Golden did this to me at the King Soopers parking lot. I called him out on the fraud and he got angry. I got loud so everyone around could hear. He ended up leaving.
Golden has become a calirado shithole suburb of denver.
Well yes you have to vet who is honest and who is lying.. you must have a bigger homeless problem than what I am accustomed to. I can understand your sentiment a bit more now. The cities like Kensington are literal war zones.
Apparently you've never seen the expose' of them climbing into luxury cars as the media chases them to their parking slots. A lot of the hustlers do this for a living verses working. The others take what they get and run down for their next fix or bottle.
Like the pregnant lady who gets picked up by someone in a Mercedes at the end of her panhandling shift...she was raking in thousands.
Or the one caught on 60 Minutes a few years back that trotted around to a back alley, and was changing clothes before he jumped in his Caddy and took off when the crew caught up to him.
Someone said give food. I have had the wife get made because she offered food, and it was refused, and still she wants to give. I have seen videos where people gave food that was promptly thrown in the trash when they left.
The vast majority of these people want cash for drugs or booze, and many of the rest want cash because they are living it up on do-gooders dimes.
I saw an article from two college kids that when they graduated instead of getting a job and going to work made a 15 year career traveling the country panhandling. They had it down to a science on where to be, what locations in what cities at what time of year. They drove a nice car, stayed in nice hotels, and ate at the finest restaurants. They had saving accounts with big money when they finally gave it up. All because people are guilt ridden due to their own success in life. I'll never feel guilty for working hard and planning ahead, and I have no use for those that didn't.
Live like a grasshopper die like one.
Similar to frequent grifting for gasoline. Someone comes to you while at the gas pump or walks up to you in a parking lot asking for cash to get gas. I tell them bring the car or can and I’ll fill it. They say nooo...don’t want to inconvenience is fine. A guy in Golden did this to me at the King Soopers parking lot. I called him out on the fraud and he got angry. I got loud so everyone around could hear. He ended up leaving.
Golden has become a calirado shithole suburb of denver.
Well yes you have to vet who is honest and who is lying.. you must have a bigger homeless problem than what I am accustomed to. I can understand your sentiment a bit more now. The cities like Kensington are literal war zones.