This is how the sequel to "The Running Man" begins ...
The Running Man, a broadcast game show, where criminals fight for their lives as "runners", fleeing from armed mercenaries called "stalkers", to earn a government pardon and tropical vacation.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has been detained at Munich airport while en route to the World Climate Summit in Austria, his home country.
According to reports from BILD, the former California governor faced extensive questioning by customs officials for several hours regarding a high-end watch he purportedly planned to auction.
Speculation has arisen about a potential connection to a #Trump executive order aimed at seizing assets from individuals involved in illicit enterprises, leading to questions about whether Schwarzenegger may be selling off hidden assets. Only time will reveal the true nature of this event.
Thank you, Megadeth, for your tip:
(tropical vacation = GITMO = LOL - would be fine for me!)
So is he really selling a watch?? Bizarre