Dear Jesus, when life gets tough and things seem dark, give us the eyes to see the good hidden in the challenges. Help our faith stay strong so we don't lose hope, knowing You're right there with us until the very end. Jesus, we want to give You thanks for all the good in our lives. Help us remember Your love in both the good times and the hard ones. Guide us, Lord, and may our journey be a testament to Your grace. Continue to build up this site and all the people here. Bring us to one mind in Jesus. We are so grateful to be awake during these dark times. Use us as you see fit. Help us to remain mission focus with humble hearts as we celebrate your beauty and love on this Q day. In Jesus Christ glorious name Amen.
Join us Daily for 1 min of Prayer: 2pm and 8pm est
I could use some prayers right now for my husband who is 73
He is unvaxxed but has been in and out of the ER 4X's since December 28th for Afib. His last time he was finally admitted bc he couldn't breathe a week ago last Sunday. He was diagnosed that time with pneumonia, but it came on so suddenly we thought it might be caused by one of his medications. (Apparently there were two that when combined can cause breathing issues)
He did have some fluid, however in one of his lungs. I still think it is because his heart was not operating properly and causing fluid build up in his lungs. I really thought I was gonna loose him that night. I called an ambulance for him.
Since he's been out of the hospital he has been having some breakthroughs of afib the longest yet was yesterday. We are going for a second opinion to another cardiologist to see if he should get the ablation surgery. In spite of all of this he is is very good physical shape. He swims up to two miles every other day. Plays pickleball and exercises using a treadmill or a bike. He doesn't have difficulties with breathing during these activities but it can throw him into afib afterwards so he is not pushing himself in them. But is getting depressed bc he is so active and has had to cut back.
In the meantime my hubby was raised Jewish, but is currently agnostic.
I finally came out to tell him he needs to accept Christ into his heart and ask Him for the forgiveness of his sins.
Prayers are requested for a resolution of his heart issues either thru the medication or surgery. But most importantly for him to finally accept Christ into his heart.
Hey fren sorry for the late reply. Definitely will keep your husband in my prayers.. thanks for sharing your heart so I can join you in Prayers. Love you fren