I have been asking myself that since 2020. Yes people had to be woken up. But is that it? Was all this damage worth it? I don’t know if the juice is worth the squeeze on that.
And then I thought about what Trump needs to do on day 1. And how does he do it. What happened to him last time he tried to do anything the normal way? The DOJ and Intel agencies sabotaged him, and the communist federal judges blocked him at every single step.
How do you cut through all the bullshit and get the military to the border? How do you deport millions of people? We know the second he tries, the federal judges are immediately going to stop him. The meme Hawaii judge. How do you cut out the deep state completely, and legally?
Why didn’t they stop covid? Surely they knew what was going on there. All those bozos were using email. They had to have known we were being attacked with a weapon of mass destruction in order to streamline a stolen election.
The only way to accomplish what needed to be done was to activate the most extreme measures possible. As if America has been hit with a nuclear weapon and the entire government has been demolished. It essentially was. We were hit with a WMD that allowed a foreign power to conquer the traditional chain of command.
By allowing that to happen, it opens up the chess board completely. And more important, legally. Trump will be completely free of the typical restrictions present under the corrupt system. It doesn’t matter if some judge tries to block military intervention at the border. They no longer have any power. It’s an illusion. All of what we are seeing is an illusion. A necessary one to keep the economy and global order stable, and to deceive our enemies.
It’s the only way to accomplish what needs to be done. We had to go through the worst thing a country can go through, in order to free ourselves from the current system. It had to be done right. It had to be done LEGALLY. And the only way to shitcan the entire deep state at one time was to allow our enemies to hit us with a WMD and takeover the existing federal government.
It’s the only thing that makes sense. Without it, 2024 would be an exact repeat of 2016. He would be instantly ham stringed by the entire corrupt federal system.
Chess not checkers.
I understand where you're coming from on trying to figure out what President Trump will have to do to get his promises fulfilled during his next term.
So many times I see him say that he's going to do this or that when he is reelected and I think "If it's that easy, why didn't you just do it during your first term?"
I know that he was prevented from doing much of it by the Dems and RINOs. So I've been trying to understand what he'll have to do this time around to change that because those Dems and RINOs will still be there.
I'm not sure what you mean exactly by "the most extreme measures possible". Are you talking about Martial Law?
I'm sincerely not dooming, but I've heard people talk about this before, and I don't think it's as easy as people make it out to be. I just don't think he has enough support in Congress to make it happen. The US President isn't a dictator and doesn't have absolute power. As soon as he tries to declare Martial Law, all of his enemies in Congress will do whatever it takes to stop him. Yet more impeachments or the 25th Amendment.
If there is no clear sign of unrest or violence, the military will most likely not comply with the order. They make a big deal about being non-political, and those in the military take an oath to uphold the Constitution, they don't swear a loyalty oath to the President. I agree that getting rid of the DS is an urgent matter. But it doesn't matter what I believe about it. It matters what the high-ranking people in the military believe. And I just don't think that they will see things as we do. Remember that during the kerfuffle of the 2020 election, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff made it clear that the military would not get involved.
I know that Q has said the military is the only way, but I don't think that it's going to be through Martial Law. I'm by no means an expert on Constitutional Law, but I have spent a long time looking into this scenario, and from what I've read, it's just not a viable solution. Looking at what the military has done lately, with Ukraine and Russia and the pullout in Afghanistan and the build-up in the Middle East and at our Southern border and all that's going on with Israel, it does not inspire confidence in me that they would do the right thing.
The Martial Law route has been something I've puzzled over for a while, trying to reconcile it with what Q has said about the military being in control. Looking into some of the Generals and other bigwigs in the military who would be the ones making such decisions, I can't find one who I think would support President Trump on this. I think it would have to be quite a few Q sleepers in high positions, actually, otherwise they would just be overruled by the majority.
And even should some of those bigwigs be Q sleepers, I think that a good chunk of the military would refuse to follow such orders. I've been in discussions with many people in the military who have said that they would not follow orders for Martial Law in scenarios like this because they think it would be an illegal order and unconstitutional.
The only way I see this working is if the majority of bigwigs in the military are really Q sleepers, and Trump has a military coup. But Q said that this has to be done legally, so that creates a conflict. And it would mean the libs are right about Trump wanting to become a dictator. Because that's what the result would be.
I hope I'm wrong about this. But this is just the scenario for declaring Martial Law. If that's not what you meant about the most extreme measures possible, could you tell me what you're talking about? Because I don't know what else could be done, legally, that would be so extreme. And Q said things had to be done legally.
Sorry about the length of the post, it's just that this is something I've been puzzling over for a long time and I still can't work out in my head how it could be done.
If anyone can explain how it could work or sees that I'm wrong on something, please tell me. Because I'm honestly not trying to doom. I want to believe it will work, but I can't make my brain stop looking for flaws in it. It would be great to have a nice, civil conversation with someone about this and not be called a shill or doomed or retard and deported because I dared to have a different opinion. I would love for someone to prove me wrong.
Again, sorry for making you read what's basically become a novella.
It’s not martial law in the usual sense of the word. As in the way you expect to see it. That would be bad for the economy, bad for global stability, and antiquated. But it is martial law in the sense that the normal flow of power and the constitution is suspended due to compromise of the chain of command.
Legally defined, presidential national emergencies have the authority to override the constitution. The president is given almost unilateral control to save the republic if needed. This precedent goes back to Lincoln.
The 2018 election interference EO declared a national emergency and set the stage for the future. Theoretically, in 2020 if foreign election interference was detected that altered the outcome of the election, the president was handed nearly universal power to use the military to save the republic.
It would be treason to willingly hand over government to an agent of a foreign power. If Trump was handed proof the election was stolen, he has no choice in the matter. Or he is just as guilty as anyone else.
My take is that on the evening of Jan 6, Trump flew to the national command base in Texas, and that’s when some sort of change of chain of command was implemented. Why else would he go there on that night? Then he went to NORAD, then he went to Offut. All in the same night.
Those are the centers of the nuclear weapons side of the military. I believe he was hand delivering to specific generals their orders, proof of election theft, and executing PEADs. I refuse to believe Biden was given control of the nukes. I refuse to believe the normal chain of command stayed in place.
As far as what people expect when they hear martial law, I do think day one of his presidency is going to the closest view we get to that. I do expect military deployment to secure the border. I do expect some sort of coordinated operation to begin deportations. I do expect a national emergency broadcast on our phones advising the public of what is going on. Why else would they have been making sure it works? Why else would they have allowed the border crisis to reach such a state? They had to prepare the optics.
The Q plan was a copy of how the deep state works. The Hegelian dialectic. You allow or create a problem, to pave the way for the soliton you want. Like 9-11. Or the latest business in Israel. How do you stop fucking around and secure the border? You declare a national emergency and deploy the military. How do you get the public on board, even Democrat citizens? You flood their cities with illegal immigrants until the point of near collapse. How do you show people the election process is absolutely broken and corrupt and needs drastic reform, while catching all of the criminals that participated in it? You allow 2020 to happen.
Just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean everything stayed the same. Eventually, the American public will see the 2024 version of martial law. Most things won’t look any different. It doesn’t need to.
It will not happen until after the election, for the sake of optics. There must be no question. Trump is going to win in a landslide. All they need to do is break the algorithm like they did in 2016. Without vote conversion from red to blue, it could be as lopsided as 100 million to 50 million. Or worse.
Trump wasn’t joking when he said on day 1 shit is gonna get real. It is.
The President doesn't have the sort of autonomous power you're giving him here. The entire plan you're describing would only work under a military-backed dictatorship.
You're completely ignoring all the checks and balances that Congress and the courts have over the President.
I'm not trying to be rude, but pretty much everything you've said there is nothing more than wishful thinking when you haven't supported what you're saying with cold, hard facts such as specific laws that would apply.
And that's cool. You're free to believe whatever you want. But if you're trying to convince others to believe the same as you, it will take more than your opinions on the matter to sway them. Well, at least some of them. Way too many people will believe anything they're told.
Everything hinges on exactly how much power the President has, what checks and balances the courts and Congress have, and what he can do legally with that power.
Everything comes down to that. Without that, nothing about the Plan will ever be put into place. Without having that foundation established, there's no point in skipping ahead to another part of the plan.
But the way you and others here have regarded the entire foundation of your argument is to just briefly mention something vague about how he has emergency powers and EOs. That's it. That's all I've seen.
I've spent a lot of time and effort trying to understand how such a plan would work. I've spoken to several lawyers who specialize in Constitutional law, and every one of them has said that the President does not have the type of power you're saying he does.
If you're trying to convince me that what you're saying is correct, the way to do that would be to point out the specific laws that would grant the President the powers to implement his plan. That's where to start. And then we look at how the courts and Congress will respond to him. Everyone here has just completely skipped over this part. Do you think that no one is going to oppose him when he does this?
So if you're trying to convince me or anyone else that you're correct about this, that would be how to start.
But you're not obligated to convince me of anything. And I'm not trying to convince you that I'm right. I'm just explaining to you why what you're saying isn't convincing me you're right. Please don't take offense to my comments here. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to try to help me understand things.
You don’t know the powers the president has. Just google national emergency and read what that authorizes the president to do. Google PEADs and read what they authorize the president to do.
You are wrong. The president via control of the military has almost limitless power to save the republic as needed. This is established and has been used before by Lincoln.
National emergencies flush the constitution down the toilet. They have to exist for times of duress like nuclear or biological war.
It would take you 5 minutes to read for yourself what national emergencies and PEADs do. Go ahead.
I don't need to google anything. I have already read up on national emergency acts and have even spoken to lawyers who specialize in constitutional law, like I said earlier.
And, as I said earlier, the President does not have the unchecked, unlimited power you're imagining he has. And, again, like I said earlier, you're ignoring the fact that the courts and Congress can step in if they believe the President is doing something illegal or unconstitutional.
The President also doesn't have unfettered control over the military. There must be an obvious need for him to call upon them. So he will have to convince them that there is indeed a cabal and that they should be tasked with rounding them up and then engaging in military tribunals and everything else associated with that.
If they think an order is unconstitutional or illegal, they are under no obligation to follow the President's orders. You seem to think that Trump just has to tell them to do something and they absolutely have to do it.
I feel like you're not even bothering to read my comments. I'm just repeating myself here.
Edited to add:
A major point I think you're missing is that the President can't simply invoke the National Emergency Act over anything he wants. While he, and we, might agree getting rid of the cabal is an emergency, that doesn't seem to be the case with the vast majority of Congress.
Congress can, indeed, undo a State of Emergency declaration.
Apparently, you've forgotten, or were never aware, that President Trump threatened to use the State of Emergency Act during his first term when he was trying to get the southern border wall built. It was in the news constantly, with legal experts discussing the chances of it being upheld in the courts, and explaining how Congress could undo his declaration if he made one.
President Trump obviously saw that his declaration would not be upheld, because he dropped the entire matter. If he thought it would work, he would have signed the declaration, and we would have our southern border wall right now, and wouldn't be having a crisis at the border.
It just occurred to me what was bothering me so much about this post.
Wouldn't this be the ideal time for the Dems to try for a gun grab? You said that the Biden administration has extended the state of national security and that it's currently active, right?
If it gives the President as much power as you say, couldn't Biden use this opportunity to finally disarm US citizens? This would be the best chance liberals would ever get to take our guns.
They would want to do it before the election. And if they were able to do that, then we're basically powerless when they try to steal the election again.
I'm astonished they haven't done this yet. Times running out for them. Or maybe I should say time is running out for us?
What do you think? Is this something we should worry about? I haven't noticed anyone talking about a massive gun grab being planned, but I just don't see them passing up such a golden opportunity.