What do you think? Is the end of the Democrat party happening right before our eyes🙏?? Iowa was Huge..Without cheating I bet we would get all 50 states …
“These people are really stupid”

Some will disagree but, the biggest takeaway from Iowa, for me, was the fact that all 99 Counties were counted and reported within the hour. The win wasn't in the Iowa primary, it was in the feasibility of paper ballots, national day holiday (it was MLK day), and hand counting/self-reporting per precinct. It can be done. They showed you on Monday.
true but there are some huge differences between a caucus and a regular primary vote. if anything a caucus should take longer to count
Not to be argumentative but, wouldn't that be a tic in my column? Or are you in the camp that calling the caucus for Trump so early encouraged some to turn around and go back home? I don't subscribe to that theory because I was told from an Iowan that caucus begins at 7pm sharp...if you're not inside your caucus location, they lock the doors.
yes that's a tic in your column