What do you think? Is the end of the Democrat party happening right before our eyes🙏?? Iowa was Huge..Without cheating I bet we would get all 50 states …
“These people are really stupid”

My anecdotal evidence has taught me "9 your fine, 10 your mine." I believe this is due to the fact that if you show up to court to contest a speeding ticket, the judge typically knocks the citation down a notch. The second speeding bracket starts at 10 over the limit. So if you are single digits over the limit, which 99% of drivers are, the judge can't reduce the citation without removing it altogether.
This costs the court money and is not economically justifiable. Plus, it would be tough for judges to be impartial if people going 2 over are treated differently than 9 over, when they are in the same citation bracket.
Bottom line, I am actually a very safe driver. Never had an accident. I agree that being safe is far more important than getting somewhere 10 seconds sooner. Not worth it.
It comes down to people being attentive and respectful. In some states it is posted that slower traffic must stay right.
I learned the ultimate lesson on staying right when I was 16 and visiting Germany. My mom and I got on the autobahn and holy split! Was that crazy!
Eight lane highway, straight as an arrow. Far right lane was going about 60 mph (its all kilometers per hour there). Second from right was 80-90 mph. Third from right was 100-120 mph. This is the lane we traveled in. My mom set the CRUISE at 200 kilometers per hour! 120 mph. As we were traveling at this speed we were passed like we were standing still by two porches racing in the far left lane.
They had helicopters hovering above the highway, beaming down traffic speeds to each lane so you knew what was up well ahead of time. It was very safe, but every single driver was on their game. You can't afford not to be in such a situation.
Maybe because I experienced this at 16 it was ingrained in me to stay right whenever possible.
Thank you for serving officer. Thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for putting your life on the line for your community. Thank you, u/SOGWAP 🙏🏻👮‍♂️