Heritage Foundation isn't what people think they are. More like the other side of that coin. You get invited to Davis because of policies you've enacted in your country, corp, or NGO. You don't just go and show up without permission. He's telling them to back off because their current plan will backfire, but it does not mean he isn't with them on some sort of level. He's also a Mason. And I don't care what anyone thinks they believe about the Masons other than this: Freemasons ALWAYS stick together, even when it appears they're divided. They ALWAYS get what they want by playing both sides of any issue against each other.
Heritage Foundation isn't what people think they are. More like the other side of that coin. You get invited to Davis because of policies you've enacted in your country, corp, or NGO. You don't just go and show up without permission. He's telling them to back off because their current plan will backfire, but it does not mean he isn't with them on some sort of level. He's also a Mason. And I don't care what anyone thinks they believe about the Masons other than this: Freemasons ALWAYS stick together, even when it appears they're divided. They ALWAYS get what they want by playing both sides of any issue against each other.