Need some prayer. I just got word that another person in my church just passed away due heart damage and other issues. It's been one in a string of losses in a God faring and loving church that is like an extended family. The problem is that most people are not awake. I feel in my heart that people aren't ready to listen yet, to hear the truth about the jabs and what they are a part of and it would be insensitive given the recent losses. With the most recent, Covid was used as excuse to isolate the latest victim from having any guests while he fought for life, and this is in Texas.
I feel like my part is to wait for people to start waking up and answer questions when they do, but it's difficult. I have no one immediately around me that I can talk with about what's going on and I feel isolated. I know I'm far from the only one here with that issue, but I could use some prayers for encouragement, especially as I'm dealing with my own health issues linked to allergies and things like prior exposure to excessive amounts of mold and such.
So, if you've read this far, please feel free to share your own experiences, words of wisdom, encouragements, and the like. It might do a lot of us some good to have an outlet for grieving hearts.
But please, keep the negative attacks out of it and let this be a mixture of somber and encouragement for those who feel alone in this.
I will pray for you and your church to have genuine courage and genuine love for each other so that honest open conversations with each other can occur.
In a way I have been praying for this for myself using the words, "Oh Lord, let me live in truth. Let us live in Truth." It takes courage from God, and discernment, to talk about what one has read about with others. But, to withhold truth from them seems deceptive to me. Seeking God's guidance and examining myself (motivation, consequences, etc.) is desirable, but I gotta admit that I don't always do this. My conduct is inconsistent. Still, this is my prayer. There is One relationship that I can do this with, because He already knows all about me--my thoughts, stuff I have forgotten, stuff I don't even know about. That's why it is good to go to Him first.
Anyway, while I am talking to Him, I will lift you and your church family up too.