posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +29 / -0

I was thinking about this post, and how absurd the title was…


And i was wondering why someone would even go to the trouble of writing up such a ridiculous piece of propaganda,

And i wondered if they actually believed, that we would actually believe their bullshit,

because here we are laughing about it, and not buying it for a second…


To the pro-vaccine lay person, the article makes perfect sense, because it simply confirms what they already “KNOW” to be true…

And to the propagandist who writes this stuff, they probably are true believers too!

They actually believe their own bullshit!

And they just can’t understand why you don’t immediately believe what they are saying,

because to them it seems like perfect logic.

They think if they would just tweak a word here or there, that you would suddenly change your mind.

They don’t understand, that you literally do not believe a single word they say,

They think that deliberately conflating sex with gender is suddenly going to make you less of a transphobe.

They actually believe the only reason so many people say the 2020 election was rigged, is because Donald Trump told them so.