Doesn't matter what you own, only what was used. I guess none of yours were replicas of the original like used on RUST. Don't add stupid speculation into this incident. Only a Retard would come to the rescue of Alec Baldwin with false information. I know guns and if somebody wants to argue facts I am happy to do so.
Kek the truth is the truth. Transfer bars are very uncommon on single actions. Do you have specific info that his gun had a transfer bar? Do you know the exact model?
True unless it was a old three screw ruger or a colt or a colt clone. I own 4 single actions none of them have a transfer bar.
Doesn't matter what you own, only what was used. I guess none of yours were replicas of the original like used on RUST. Don't add stupid speculation into this incident. Only a Retard would come to the rescue of Alec Baldwin with false information. I know guns and if somebody wants to argue facts I am happy to do so.
Kek the truth is the truth. Transfer bars are very uncommon on single actions. Do you have specific info that his gun had a transfer bar? Do you know the exact model?
I dislike Alec Baldwin as much as anyone else.