Very true Maui_boy. The Liberals in Canada have reduced their military down nothing because their governent over the decades decided that the US military could help them out in a crisis. From what I read, under Justin its become a woke organization where many Conservative Canadians in the military have quit because of it and the forced jab mandate. About 40% of Canadians have government jobs, parasites living off the private sector. It is something that is unsustainable for a small population like Canada. Like Maggie Thatcher once said, "Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money." They are having really tough times right now with massive CARBON TAXES really killing their economy. The Liberals are doing everything to squeeze out the life-blood of the economy to push for the reset, while parasitic government employees have NO worries.
Very true Maui_boy. The Liberals in Canada have reduced their military down nothing because their governent over the decades decided that the US military could help them out in a crisis. From what I read, under Justin its become a woke organization where many Conservative Canadians in the military have quit because of it and the forced jab mandate. About 40% of Canadians have government jobs, parasites living off the private sector. It is something that is unsustainable for a small population like Canada. Like Maggie Thatcher once said, "Socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money." They are having really tough times right now with massive CARBON TAXES really killing their economy. The Liberals are doing everything to squeeze out the life-blood of the economy to push for the reset, while parasitic government employees have NO worries.