Mark your calendars! SUM OF ALL FEARS. Allegiant Stadium, Las Vegas Nevada, Feb. 11th, 2024. Will the most Superb of Owls make an appearance this year?

NFL officiating has been horrible this season. It has affected every team and has turned games. And it's happening right when the league gets in bed with Vegas and is aggressively promoting gambling. I think this is intentionally being done to prepare fans for the revelation of corruption that's coming.
It's always been horrible. However, some of the calls I have seen this year in college ball had me wondering if they were actually trying to out themselves as frauds. "After further review, what you saw with your eyes was correct, but we're calling it something else."
Sports fans need to wake up. There is little doubt in my mind games have been rigged for decades. Once I started to question, years ago, I started to step back from them and see them for what they are. A distraction, and a way to fleece the public even further. I still enjoy SOME college ball, but I'm don't even watch the bowls or playoffs anymore. It's too fake. Too scripted. Who is going to win? That's easy. Whoever they want to win.