For those unfamiliar, Kim Clement was a prophet that predicted Trump becoming POTUS, along with his two impeachments, the time of two presidents (going on now) and other things. A great video to see some of his predictions and some worthwhile commentary on it is Trey Smith’s - Prophecy of the Two Presidents. It does get into some biblical references, but even if you skip those, the predictions that are happening now are very interesting.
Anyway, now that you are caught up, here is a clip of his prophecies that I’m going to reference.
That part I’m referencing in this is his discussion of a different time coming for each of the seasons. God says he will expose things in the Spring, there will be a “strange July, strange July”, many falling in fall, hypnotic November, and a happy winter. There does not appear to be any years in the past that fit the predictions, so it definitely appears to be applying to this coming year. I’ve wondered what was meant by “strange July, strange July”. He already mentioned something with the temperatures, so I don’t think it is weather related. He mentioned impeach twice, meaning two events. So I think we have two events in July also. So what is big enough to warrant two specific notations in a prophecy? I believe it is going to tie into some things that some of us are anticipating this year.
Generally, a Presidential nominee announces their selection for VP around July. The strangest thing I can think of? What if JFK Jr comes out of hiding? What if Trump announces he is the Vice Presidential pick? (To save you the time, we are all aware of post 2611, that says JFK Jr is not alive. And we are all aware of posts 97, 128, 158, etc that says Disinformation is necessary. Let’s set that aside, this is just a Theory.)
Since we are going for strange, it could be that is when Dem nominee Joe Biden steps down and the Dem National Committee makes their own appointment to replace him with Michelle “Big Mike” Obama. Which I believe would be unprecedented and unique, but not quite strange. Not only does she become the nominee, but I think Michelle comes out as a dude. THAT would be strange!
These are exciting times! I think we will start seeing real movement (even more than we see now) come Spring! What do you see coming?
No Kim was 99% correct except for his simple human “timing” of events to come. What did Obama usher in?
LBGTQ and the rise of “racism” again. And from then until the 2020 electoral results, sure as shit the country, the world in fact, has changed! Look no further than BLM/ANTIFA/LBGTQXYZ and Covid. Oh crap you must’ve missed these items.
Future Proves Past is REAL. Kim was correct. But time is on God’s timing. Not in Kim’s timing nor any other Biblical prophet whom didn’t get the language or timing right even yet. It’s on God’s time my simple human friend, and also printed language is much different than actual sight.
Ability to describe future events is relevant. So far John has been incorrect in how Revelations happening now, was supposed to look. Why? He didn’t have the words/language/grammar to describe correctly all the things God showed him.
Just like Kim and John both not having the ability to know God’s ACTUAL Timing of any of the shown events. All they both did was interpret as best they could define.
I understand that you believe Clement is foretelling events, but there is no denying he is wrong in this instance. Kim said Obama would be filled with the Holy Spirit. Ushering in satanic perversions is not the work of the Holy Spirit.
If you refuse the biblical foundation, we will only continue to speak past one another. To say that John was wrong about the end times requires us to know how it all ends. John did not specify by the summer of a specific year as Kim did. John (as well as other books of the bible) lay out a template for how it must occur. Until we see the Sun and Moon go dark, the end will not occur. It will happen.
Matthew 24:29-30 KJV Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: [30] And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
Revelation 6:12-13 KJV And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; [13] And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.
Yes. And it depends on how open the person is to the messages they receive.
If this makes sense as I have a feeling to you especially, it will; I have learned to embrace my “odd-fuzzy feeling but able to type with vast connected info clarity” when responding to certain people that aren’t viewing things outside their box or “time” comprehension.
The words typed or said just come when I need them to click. I’ve accepted that Devine intervention during these “feelings” and presentation of educational info, is 100% certain or taking place. So that I may word the ideas coherently enough.
Oops didn't mean to delete the response to you. Just didn't feel like getting into this discussion ATM with them.
Yes I very much understand exactly what you are saying brother. Well said. It's a growing process. Failure is a part of it. You learn how to process the feeling before you speak. I completely agree with you :)
Yep, I knew you understood my friend.