All the VP pick polls im seeing are overwhelmingly Vivek.
🐸 Polls ARE rigged. 🐸
I don't know how i feel about this guy. I'm sure Trump, being more in tune to how things work in Washington now, will not allow the wrong people give him the wrong advise about the people he surrounds himself with. Vivek does tend to say the right things, with wit, sarcasm, and charm at the same time, kinda like Trump. Is he all an act to infiltrate Trump again? Can a president fire their VP? Signed. Leary Dude.
^^^ 100% THIS!!!! ^^^
The cult of personality. Im not gonna just ignore what he said during Covid. Fuck that guy. He is smart AF and KNOWS exactly What to say to the MAGA crowd, and damned if half of us/them (not me for sure) fall goo-goo ga-ga for the ‘smart, brash, young up and commer’. GTFO. Apply some critical fucking thought before discussing Mr. Mandatory masking and vaxtard to be a VP. FFS.