Tucker interview with Florida SG. At around 6:00 he talks about the vax having the ability and likelihood of changing people’s DNA. Each dose has billions of fragments of foreign DNA that are able to enter human cells using the mRNA in the vaccine. Sounds like what Q was warning us about ☠️
'The world will know the TRUTH.'
This shit should of been pulled from the market long ago to gobsmack everyone who supported it. The fact it's still dragging along is goofy as hell.
It’s the one thing I don’t get with Trump openly supporting the vaccine for so many years.
As President, his honest intentions were good. The truth of the evil cabal and drug companies having a sinister plan (behind the scenes) will absolve President Trump and any wrongdoing.
He said for us to make our own decisions about it, and that’s what we did
Aye we did. Now I have to wonder if the 40 to 50 shots i had in the military did this to us?
personally, I think Trump was a little full of crap about the development of the "vaccine". I believe he knew they had it predeveloped and took credit for it in an attempt to have the deep state operatives call him out on that, exposing that it was developed prior to the out break of what ever virus, thus making people realize this was all preplanned. sadly, they did not call his bluff, so he has to stick by his word. I still trust Trump way more than the left and the globohomo's.