I'm getting rashes
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
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You very well might have a food intolerance. I’ve seen this many times with clients; you can spend $500 going to a naturopath to have the blood work done or you can do a hair sample mailed into this company called Check My Body Health. It’s only around $30-$40 and gives very accurate results. Totally worth doing the test. My naturopath told me a story of a patient who had a head to toe rash for two years, was suicidal from the itching, and found out that she had a severe intolerance to vanilla, which is in a lot of processed foods. Of course the regular doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with her but a simple food intolerance test was all it took. I’ve done it myself and was surprised to find that there were some food I ate habitually that my body was having an inflammatory response to, and I was having some subtle and not so subtle symptoms that are now gone since I’ve cut out these foods.
Came here to say a similar thing: I was suffering for years with palm-sized hives all over my torso. My wrists and ankles were covered in scratched-open sores. the itch drove me to near insanity. I thought is was external/environmental as you are postulating - because it is on the skin, so I tried cutting all soaps, shampoos and washing detergents. To no avail.
It was a gluten allergy. I was told by a naturopath that wheat was no good, but a couple of decades later, the reactions had bloomed to include a sensitivity to all grains, except for white rice. Furthermore, my sensitivity had expanded into anything with round-up - so root vegetables (which are harvested by 'killing the green stuff' with round-up before the harvest. Problem is, as the plant dies, it desperately directs everything, including the round-up, to the root).
To cut a decades-long story short, this is what cured me: Try eating a Carnivore diet for about six weeks, and then re-introduce other foods One-at-a-time. What have you got to lose? It does not have to cost more, surprisingly.
This means aim for about a pound of meat, with plenty of animal fat, a day. Nothing else except water, black coffee or tea. One of the first things you can experiment with is other animal products, but some people react to stuff like seafood, eggs, or dairy - so that remains for you to find out. The 'safest meats are beef, deer or goat. I find lamb, chicken and pork very acceptable myself, but you need to figure that out for yourself.
Wow fren, I did Carnivore too last year for eight weeks, and it was like a reboot to my entire body. It was incredible. All the anches and pains were gone, my brain fog was gone, my ADHD was almost non-existent, I had toms of energy, my sex drive was up, arthritis gone, so many good things about it. I need to get back on it because sugar and grains are so fucking addictive and I feel like shit again it’s amazing how it’s so easy to slide back into bad habits. All I ate was beef, tallow,butter, eggs, raw dairy, very little pork, very little chicken.