The "Georgia guidestones" were private property, insofar as any vandals might be concerned. They were out of the way in an obscure part of the country and likely were unknown before their destruction. They were meaningless. Their destruction was not only criminal, but useless.
Those who think ANYTHING "needs to be taken out" are treading the path of totalitarianism, no different than the Taliban in their destruction of historic religious monuments, or the Nazis in their obliteration of "non-Aryan" published works. For which there is no end. We grind up all of history that does not conform to our mental filter, and burn books that offend us. Do we even tear out of the Bible the phrases quoted from Satan? This is the thinking of people who have no faith in the protection of Baptism or of the Holy Spirit.
The "Georgia guidestones" were private property, insofar as any vandals might be concerned. They were out of the way in an obscure part of the country and likely were unknown before their destruction. They were meaningless. Their destruction was not only criminal, but useless.
Those who think ANYTHING "needs to be taken out" are treading the path of totalitarianism, no different than the Taliban in their destruction of historic religious monuments, or the Nazis in their obliteration of "non-Aryan" published works. For which there is no end. We grind up all of history that does not conform to our mental filter, and burn books that offend us. Do we even tear out of the Bible the phrases quoted from Satan? This is the thinking of people who have no faith in the protection of Baptism or of the Holy Spirit.
God can strike them with lighting, like the Mural of George Floyd and possibly the George stones.
We don't have to do shit.
That's how comms work.
Except that the "guidestones" were blown up by a satchel charge. I'm fine with God's handiwork, however.
I've watched the vidio, it's not that clear.
But you can be sure God knows everything we write and pray for........