I have copies of their early work on CDs somewhere, but I listen to iTunes downloads. I'm at best a semi-audiophile. Also, I'm not sure what a "deep cut" is -- a long section of a song? -- so let me know if that's what you mean. In the meantime, here are some lyrics (which is what I'm most interested in with this group) and links to their work on YewwTube --
BTW (and as you may know), most of the lyrics in Tears for Fears' entire catalog are about another, individual, Great Awakening.
I have copies of their early work on CDs somewhere, but I listen to iTunes downloads. I'm at best a semi-audiophile. Also, I'm not sure what a "deep cut" is -- a long section of a song? -- so let me know if that's what you mean. In the meantime, here are some lyrics (which is what I'm most interested in with this group) and links to their work on YewwTube --
Your choice of Shout to accompany this post (or perhaps the Rumble vid was done by others?) was very fitting, and from more than one perspective.
Oops. I need to slow down sometimes and watch what I'm doing. And thx for the definition of "deep cut."