216 Navy SEALs Christopher J. Chambers and Nathan Gage Ingram died on Jan. 11 while conducting a night-time seizure of a vessel illegally transporting advanced weapons from Iran to Houthi forces in Yemen... May God bless & comfort the families of these American war heroes 🙏 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by GDZeus 1 year ago by GDZeus +217 / -1 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Probably comms for another big unsealing in court.
And this is where it gets weird. It looks like a cartoon of Tricky Dick giving the thumbs up on Ingram's collar, and "Chambers" reminds me of Trumps EJC retruths yesterday about Dick Cheney.
Apparently Nixon, Rumsfeld, and Cheney appear together in a photo from https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/foia/2019-02-22/vice-file-dick-cheney-declassified
Seems more likely than the drowning story.
No negatives yet? How about this?
C. J.C. -- Somebody's going to "see Jesus Christ"?
N. Gage Ingram. -- Engaging Ram.
I'm not sure if Ram is sheep or computer memory. But If you go with sheep, you get a message about engaging the sheep to see Jesus.